Em segunda-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2011, às 09:35:28, Foster, Margie escreveu:
> >On MeeGo, I have no clue where it's supposed to be configured, given the
> >different implementations between netbook and the others.
> >Of course, Qt doesn't integrate with any of those. The only way to
> >configuyre the locale in Qt is via the common denominator: the POSIX
> >configuration (by setting LANG and the LC_* variables). Unfortunately,
> >none of the environments set LANG to a file containing their settings[*],
> >so the common denominator is actually often the wrong config.
> >
> >Now, if we can get an agreement on where the setting should be (blessed by
> >XDG), then we'll be happy to read it from QtCore.
> >
> >[*] Qt doesn't read custom locale files yet, but we might just write that
> >code if MeeGo uses it. This doesn't require XDG blessing.
> Again I ask--how does this affect localization? I still do not understand
> how I can change locale in MeeGo.

Hi Marge. That's why I said I didn't know where it's configured in MeeGo.

But looking at this problem from the Qt point of view, the only way today to
change the locale is to change the environment variables, which means:

1) apps must be restarted for the change to take effect
2) you can only select one of the pre-defined locales, provided by glibc
  (this means you cannot customise how the system presents times and dates)

For Qt to change this behaviour, we need a standard to follow. It can either

A) set LANG to a file name, so we'll implement:
 - parsing of locale files
 - update when file is modified
This requires no communication with XDG.

B) agree on a Linux-wide way of setting the locale, by way of XDG, so we don't
have to implement this two or three times (KDE, GNOME, MeeGo).

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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