On Fri, 2011-02-04 at 08:43 -0700, Wichmann, Mats D wrote:

> After a bunch of review there's an updated copy of
> the 1.1 spec available...  sorry this isn't diffmarked,
> there was quite a bit of rearranging of pieces to make
> flow better (thanks to Mikko Ylinen for most of this,
> and for a lot of useful comments/changes), and an
> unfortunate side effect is that diff-marking tools
> make it look like an incredibly massive change when
> it really wasn't; if left diffmarked it would just have
> been a whole lot harder to read ("why did they remove
> this"?  ... a few minutes later, "oh, I see, this looks
> like the bit that dropped out earlier that I wondered
> about, looks like it just moved")
> Hoping some of you have time to take a look and
> supply comments...

There's a section of the document that talks about forward
compatibility. In theory, developing your app on MeeGo 1.1 would allow
it to work on 1.1 and on for the whole life of 1.x, to my understanding
at least. If you target 1.2, from 1.2 and onwards. Should rpm be relied
on fully to capture the symbols or would it be ok to
forcefully/explicitly 'Require' a meego-release >= desired_version.

meego-release is not in the appendix, that's why I'm asking. If I've
missed another way to accomplish this I'd really like to know.

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