Hi all,
I'd like to hear your comments about the possibility of moving the development team discussions from an internal (and not public) Nokia mailing list to meego-dev. I would estimate the traffic to be from 1 to 5 messages per day (with some occasional spikes, of course) and being mostly consisting of patches and review comments.

Reasons for moving away from the internal mailing list should be quite obvious. :-) Accounts & SSO is part of MeeGo Core, yet almost nobody knows about it, and very little contributions are coming from outside of Nokia. I initially though that a project specific ML would be more appropriate (and filed BMC#14801 about that), but if people here don't mind a little extra traffic then having the development happening in this ML would be all fine to me, and could be even more beneficial to the project.

You opinion about this proposal is appreciated and, in fact, needed. :-)


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