On Mon, 2011-03-28 at 15:58 -0700, Ryan Ware wrote:
> On 03/25/2011 12:52 AM, Rob Staudinger wrote:
> > On Fri, 2011-03-25 at 09:10 +0200, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>     I'd like to hear your comments about the possibility of moving the
> >> development team discussions from an internal (and not public) Nokia 
> >> mailing
> >> list to meego-dev.
> >> I would estimate the traffic to be from 1 to 5 messages per day (with some
> >> occasional spikes, of course) and being mostly consisting of patches and 
> >> review
> >> comments.
> > I would encourage you to do patch review in bugzilla primarily, and tie
> > in the mailing list only if there's need to. Yes, I'm aware that the
> > contribution guidelines say that a patch needs to go onto the ML first.
> I'd suggest following the contribution guidelines.  They are there for a 
> reason.  If we want to change the guidelines, then there's a discussion 
> to be had.

http://meego.com/about/contribution-guidelines :

"""Please send an email to the meego-dev@meego.com mailing list, CC'ing
the appropriate project maintainer, with [PATCH] as the first word in
the subject line, or attach your patch to a bug report in bugzilla."""

Again, I'm encouraging everyone to raise patches on the mailing list
(best already with bug number), and then spin off the discussions to
bugzilla. So you get the wider awareness first, and everyone who's
interested can subscribe to the bug to follow the micro-discussions.

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