On Mar 25, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Attila Csipa wrote:

> Warning. Agitated rant ahead.
> In a moment of Friday afternoon boredom following a tweet about a certain 
> competition I decided to check out the state of the 'official' offering and 
> got the Linux install from 
> http://appdeveloper.intel.com/en-us/meego-sdk-suite. Smallish thing, an 
> installer I think to myself, okay... Are you sure ? Of course I'm sure. It 
> says it wants sudo and stuff... well, okay, I would have preferred to do the 
> apt-getting myself if that's what it does anyway... I know, what kind of 
> idiot sudos some random installer from the Internet... Well, I did happen to 
> have a previous install on my otherwise bog-standard Lucid hack-machine and 
> the installer happily offers to remove 6-7 packages from that. Says continue 
> with existing not recommended, well, okay, then proceed with remove... And 
> yes, I know, that's a double fail, I asked for it (cue laugh). As it turns 
> out, the eager beaver installer apt-get bloody *force* removed pretty much 
> all of my Kubuntu install, all the way down to kdm. WTF ? B
 ut you said just 6-7 packages... (haha, sucker !). But a fail is a fail only 
if you don't learn from it, so let's see what we can learn from this incident 
(apart from saying 'no thanks' to stupid sudo-requiring installers even if they 
come from official sources). Checking out the installer script you can see what 
caused the meltdown:
> echo " MeeGo SDK components found." 
> echo $PKGS
> setFontColor "red"
> echo -e " The following packages are installed and will be uninstalled\n" \
>      "prior to installing the MeeGo SDK:"
> echo "   $PKGS"  
> setFontColor "blue"
> echo -e " Would you like to uninstall all previously " \
> "installed MeeGo SDK components now?\n" \
>     "\t(u)ninstall now\n" \
>     "\t(s)kip uninstall and proceed (not recommended)\n" \
>     "\t(e)xit installation"
> read -p " Select option (u/s/e): "
> setFontColor "default"
> if [ "$REPLY" == "u" ] && [ "$REPLY" != "U" ]; then 
>     if [ "$OS" == "Ubuntu" ]; then 
>           apt-get autoremove -y $PKGS \    (is this safe / necessary ?)
> I don't know who asked that there, but let me answer. I don't know if it's 
> necessary, but it's VERY not safe (I'll refrain from using derogatory terms 
> this time). You display the packages YOU want to uninstall and then tell apt 
> to remove whatever IT thinks is right (along with, you know, dependencies). 
> What the frack happened to apt-get --just-print (dry-run) and then proceeding 
> ? And I thought the QtSDK is sometimes a bit rough around the edges and 
> people are sometimes too heavy criticizing error-prone SDK setups... but 
> that's peanuts compared to this monster-fail, seeing apt kill your install 
> was not a pleasant sight (now I know how people accidentlaly typing rm -rf / 
> feel). Not. Frackin'. Funny. At. All. Sorry about the agitated mail, now I 
> have the weekend fun of a devel machine to setup, instead of doing something 
> productive like the initial idea from an hour ago of publishing something to 
> AppUp developer challenge by using the official tools in the process. I guess 
> yo
 u can call that learning the hard way. End of rant. And have a nice day.

I'm looking into this now to get that installer pulled off of the website and 


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