Hi Mikael,

On 02/05/11 23:37, Mikael Hermansson wrote:
Den måndagen den 2:e maj 2011 skrev<kate.alh...@nokia.com>:
..... cut...

Then you may ask that why there is different components for handset and
tablet. One reason is that they are made by different companies ( Nokia / Intel 
and also that UX differs. I hope that in future we can get API's of all of them

Intresting you say that, cause I guess there is many people like me
who wonder what happened to the open development of qt-components for
Meego Handset?

See: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/01/31/well-be-right-back/

From what I can gather of this, these "MeeGo" components are really for Harmattan, so I don't know what real-world use they're going to be in a MeeGo context, given that (as you note) MeeGo have written their own set.

afaik the new dialer in N900-de is based on the intel UX one...

Not yet. It's plain QML. But the "MeeGo UX" (http://meego.gitorious.org/meego-ux) is using them.

Robin Burchell
MeeGo-dev mailing list

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