On May 3, 2011, at 4:15 PM, ext Arjan van de Ven wrote:

> On
>> + Will be developed open soon
> and is thus completely irrelevant.
> sorry.
> too little too late.
> we're shipping in 2 weeks....
> whatever we do afterwards better be compatible with what we shipped, or we 
> will likely pass on inclusion.

I think that it should be completely irrelevant about argue that issue. Intel 
and Nokia both developed their components
this year as closed, both ended different solution, Intel just happened release 
their result same weeks before Nokia.

>> we'd have two incompatible sets of tablet apps. Those that use MeeGo
>> UX Components, and those that use Qt Components, with either tablet
>> not able to run the other framework.
> today, compliance does not yet cover the components, but you're making a very 
> good case that it should....

And I really hope that we should look this issue in larger context, not only as 
MeeGo tablet, not even 
MeeGo only. Still, largest Qt and Linux  communities lives outside of MeeGo 
scene and there
is no good reason branch  own way.

Even Qt components are developed as mobile origin they hopefully will replace 
old QWidget
API in all Qt applications including all mobile environments and desktops. As 
far as I know,
we least have now Desktop components for Linux desktops/Mac/Windows, Nokia 
MeeGo Components,
Intel MeeGo component and Nokia Symbian components. Lets see what Android Qt 
community does...

It is advantage to all developers to get API's harmonized and application 
portability between
environments as easy as possible.

Just having Qml made already porting easier when C++ part does not need to be 
modified, components
made it even more easier when there were ready made UI components and having 
common API 
for components makes it even easier. We should still remember that no solution 
removes all porting work.
There is no automatic way to make exactly same Qml code offering optimum user 
experience in 
desktop, tablet and different handset platforms because just the native UX 
differs between platforms.
Just as example desktops does not have stacked windows concept at all and using 
concept of fill in forms in
handset is in most of cases insane, you should use rather scrollable list ..

Thing is little bit easier in mobile touch screen devices but no automatic 
magic can provide solution even 
between different device classes with same platform. Compare iPhone and Ipad or 
Android phones and tablets.
different physical screen size and different resolution affects to mobile UI 
code a lot.

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