Hi there,

The MeeGo SDK for Linux [1] officially supports only Ubuntu and Fedora. I've checked it on popular openSUSE and Debian 5 and it doesn't work there (it hangs on the first one and crashes on the second one).

Why the list of supported hosts is too short?

I know that MeeGo is Moblin + Maemo. Why not to use the Maemo-like SDK installer [2] based on the Scratchbox [3]? It supports much more (if not all) Linux hosts.


[1] MeeGo SDK for Linux <http://developer.meego.com/meego-sdk>
[2] Maemo SDK Releases <http://maemo.org/development/sdks/older-releases/>
[3] Scratchbox <http://www.scratchbox.org/>

Andrey Ponomarenko
Department for Operating Systems at ISPRAS
 web:    http://www.LinuxTesting.org
 mail:   aponomare...@ispras.ru

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