On Friday, July 01, 2011 04:33:45 PM Éric Seigne wrote:
> Le 01/07/2011 16:11, Martyn Russell a écrit :
> > When you connect a USB key you usually want to either copy data locally
> > or use data from USB key. In the former, I personally would prefer the
> > device to sync my data for me and in the later, use the data on the
> > USB key from applications.
> > 
> >> and an other question: imagine people have a tablet and want make a
> >> backup ... (for example on an usb key) ... what is the solution ?
> > 
> > You run your "backup" application, which requires a usb key or some
> > removable storage device. Logically, I wouldn't think of a file
> > manager as the place to start a backup, I would expect that in my list
> > of applications somewhere.
> Okay,
> so meego don't need a file manager for tablet, thanks a lot, i don't
> waste my time.
Certainly forcing normal users to interact with a heirarchical file system like 
Linux via file managers has been a proven failure, although 'power users' like 
the people on this list have no trouble using file managers. But I don't think 
we should be designing Meego for people like ourselves. 

Plasma Active seems to have got the right idea to me. They are using the 
Nepomuk store to have a common way for applications to store their data in a 
non application specific way. Then they are using a metaphor of 'activities' 
such as 'my photo stuff' or 'my social network stuff' to interact with the 
environment as opposed to my '/home/myuser/Documents/something.mp3' which is 
pretty low level. The average user doesn't want to see those paths like 
'/home/myuser/Document', but they do want the activity of 'my music things' to 
just find their mp3's wherever they are, and only show them in a context in 
which they make sense.

Recently the Meego project seems to have been trying to de-emphasize Tracker, 
which makes it harder for Tracker to be the glue between apps, like KDE 
Nepomuk is in Plasma Active, as a basis for enabling activity functionality. 
To me this seems a mistake. I recently watched a Steve Jobs video where he 
said the meaning of 'focus' was being able to say 'no', and not saying 'yes' 
all the time. In my opinion the Meego project needs to be able to focus and 
know when it makes sense to say no. That should mean focusing on what the user 
experience should be ('Activites'), and knowing when to say no to 
functionaltiy which is part of that focus, like 'File Managers' and 
'/home/myuser/Documents/something.mp3' being in the user's face.

-- Richard
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