On 7/1/2011 3:43 PM, Florent Viard wrote:

Stop considering the regular user as a stupid guy/girl that needs to
have everything reduced to only one button. Most of the users never
had problem to understand and use file managers as soon as they are
used to. (Otherwise, windows wouldn't have been used by so much users
until today)

Stop trying to think in place of a pseudo average joe but instead try
to create things that are useful for you and the normal users will
follow. It is the current trend for distributions to say: we (as
advanced users) wouldn't like this simplification, but we don't care,
we target the big basis of stupid peoples, so let's doing something
stupid enough for them to be able to understand it without education.


I have been complaining about this for a while, and am --><-- this close to making a tshirt, or even a big banner with


on it.

An open source project CANNOT ignore "open source enthusiast" (note that I do not limit myself to "coders") as one of its key constituencies/targets.... even if the market share of those for your product
might be low, these are the people that
- tell you what is wrong with your product rather than just walking away
- send you cohesive bugreports
- ... often in "diff -u" form
- translate for you
- tell all their friends how cool this device is and that they should get one too - influence the high-tech press, which in turn influences the mainstream press

I know that some people think that the "early adopter" is dead in this day and age, but I am not convinced of that yet.

I also know that some people think that there is an exclusive-OR between "the user" and "the open source enthusiast". Nothing is more from the truth. Even Apple gets this right and makes an OS that is surprisingly usable by hardcore open source hackers.

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