On Fri, 2011-07-01 at 11:26 -0700, ext Andy Ross wrote:
> On 07/01/2011 10:59 AM, Kok, Auke-jan H wrote:
> > I think Ryan is spot on. Until you get out of the hack-n-slash
> > phase, your main development model should just be git, and ignore
> > downstream.
> Yeah, but I'm with Shane on this.  There's a big gap right now between
> "I have a sandbox build with a fix and a patch" and "I have a working
> package in OBS".  And that gap is filled with traps, all of which
> involve round trips to a known-finicky web app:
> + Have to remember the spectacle syntax again.
> + Patch collides with others: have to muck with ordering and respin.
> + Oops, forgot to update changes file (or just typo the date, builds
>    kick back if the dates aren't monotonic)
> + Oops, built in a Trunk project branch when I should have branched
>    MeeGo:1.2:oss.
> + It's built, but won't install cleanly from the resulting repo
>    because the OBS build numbers are lower than the real version (quick
>    hack is to update a file a dozen times here), and it's something
>    like qt or libmeegotouch with frightening interpackage dependencies.
> + Get everything ready, and just to annoy you OBS asks for a *third*
>    commit message (one in the patch, one in the .changes file, and a
>    third for the SR).  Look up the bug number one last time...
> Add to that the fact that OBS projects are sometimes heavily patched,
> and there's no straightforward path to turn an OBS project into a
> buildable sandbox tree.  The adaptation kernels and qt are really bad
> in this respect.  You can't meaningfully work with upstream code at
> all for some things.
> And on top of it all, setting up OBS itself is really non-trivial.  I
> think something like this tool would be very useful, honestly, though
> I think it's likely to be a ton of work to maintain.
> Andy
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have you looked at my proposal at
http://wiki.meego.com/Release_Infrastructure/devroot i think it should
tackle some of things you already mentioned
Ramez Hanna <ramez.ha...@nokia.com>

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