On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 7:07 AM, Peter Jespersen <flywh...@illogical.dk>wrote:

> Den 29-09-2011 00:46, Clint Christopher Cañada skrev:
>  It's kinda disappointing though with what's happening.  Burned me once,
>> that's ok, burned me twice, fine, but the third time (after speaking about
>> Meego in some other engagements)?  You've got to have a pretty good reason
>> why I'm gonna trust this new development.
> Got the same feeling here
> In short why ?
> Is this a way to make further distance from Nokia (Qt) via a rebranding ?
> Is it because you feel that MeeGo is getting nowehere (even though real
> units has seen the light of day) and that LiMo has a better chance (better
> support from hardware manufacturers) ?
> Is it Intel ?
> What does the Genivi Alliance have to say ?

I don't speak for the GENIVI Alliance. But from where I sit I see GENIVI is
a set of automotive middleware that runs on a number of operating systems in
a number of configurations. MeeGo is only one of those operating systems,
there are a number of others. A quick search for GENIVI compliance will
likely turn up some press releases about who else has a GENIVI compliant



> And why this secrecy ?
> Also it does sound a bit like Tizen will be LiMo-based
> Live long and prosper...
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Jeremiah C. Foster
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