On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 20:39, Sivan Greenberg <si...@omniqueue.com> wrote:
> Hi Jukka,
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 3:28 PM,  <jukka.ekl...@nokia.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> A brief update for those who want to check themselves where we are right now 
>> with N900 version, wrt. the DevEdition targets 
>> (http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/DeveloperEdition).
>> The best image to try is this one: 
>> http://download.meego.com/trunk-daily/builds/trunk/
>> To get it running the easiest way is via U-boot, where .bz2 image is written 
>> to SD card and there is nothing else to do. See here for instructions: 
>> http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/Install/Dual_Boot
> Nice, this means no more PC-usb flasher boot?

Yes. If you install U-boot, it boot MeeGo from SD card if that is
inserted and if there is not SD card, then it boot normal Maemo from
internal flash.

>> You can make phone calls, and receive. SMS most likely is broken at the 
>> moment, but might work sometimes. You can connect to WLAN via Settings 
>> application, and browse Internet with Fennec. The battery will last about 
>> 2-3hrs, since the backlight is constantly on and other optimizations are 
>> missing. Official test results you can find eg. from here: 
>> http://qa-reports.meego.com/1.2/Handset/Sanity/N900.
> This means one can make calls using the ear piece ?

Yes and you can also use headset. Speaker phone is not supported.
There is still bug that player audio is not muted during ringtone but
they are muted during the call. That bug will be (hopefully) fixed

Kalle Lampila
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