On Thu, 2 Apr 2020 at 16:27, Heikki Ketoharju <heikki.ketoha...@iki.fi>

> Hello again!
> This thing started to interest me, and although I'm not a designer, I
> still decided to make a small mockup to play with the idea, what the start
> screen should look like.
> Linked here is a SVG-file of my first thoughts. Also, I'll put a link to a
> PNG, because for me, the SVG shows a little bit wrong in image viewer.
> PNG:
> https://heikkiket.kapsi.fi/files/meld%20start.svg.png
> SVG:
> https://heikkiket.kapsi.fi/files/meld%20start.svg
> Should I make a Gitlab issue about this, or is there one already?

Just replying to say that yes, keeping this on the Gitlab issue you've
found is probably the best option. I do want to emphasise that while I
agree that the current design is a problem, replacing it is also not
easy... but I'll follow up on gitlab with the issues that the current
design tried to address, and the constraints we have from the toolkit.

(I tried to put attachments to this message at first, but obviously this
> list doesn't support them.)

My bad, sorry. I didn't see the filtered email in time.

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