On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 6:54 AM, j.s. mammen <mamm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Folks, lets not get bogged down by REST defined by  Roy Fielding in
> 2000.
> My question was simple.
> Here it is again, rephrased.
> Do we need to implement a memcached layer whereby we can access the
> cached objects by using HTTP protocol. Here is an example of getting a
> cached object from a server
> GET [server]/mc/object/id1

I'm finding this an interesting discussion because at work we have a number
of custom back-end services that all require custom clients wherever they
are used.  In some ways they are similar to memcached where each server
needs a client and all the servers that use the client need to be configured
the same.  The server-side of these services tend to be pretty simple just
serving requests, and the client code often makes some decision about which
back-end server to use from a list of configured servers (mostly for HA,

The problem I see with our set up is that all the clients must be managed on
every machine that needs to talk to a back end service.  And because of the
binary protocol any changes to the request (e.g. adding a new parameter)
requires that the clients get recompiled and pushed out to every machine.
 Leaves room for breakage.  Our existing clients are really bad at returning
any useful error messages, which http responses can do easily.

I've been pushing to move to a http protocol and get rid of the custom
clients.   We have load balancers that are really good at http so we could
use those in front of a few machines so the client code is just used in
those few places -- thus, easier to manage.  In some cases we could have we
clients use these services directly if it we used http instead of using our
web serves as proxies.

Now, the same discussion has happened at work about the binary protocol
being much more efficient.  Indeed, that's true, but in some cases that
overhead is not that significant compared to the overall request.  It may
add up, sure, but how critical that is depends on our needs - you don't here
much talk of moving http to a binary protocol, after all (although I'm sure
Google and Yahoo think about keeping their request and response headers as
small as possible).

Anyway, specific to this thread, would there be any reason memcached would
need to talk http?  Isn't that something that a pretty simple wrapper could
add to your favorite memcached client?  Certainly doesn't seem like
something memcached would need to support natively. It's up to the end-user
to determine if the http overhead is significant or not, no?

Bill Moseley

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