

Opening to a wider audience. I need some folks willing to poke at it and
see if their workloads fair better or worse with respect to hit ratios.

The rest of the work remaining on my end is more testing, and some TODO's
noted in the PR. The remaining work is relatively small aside from the
page mover idea. It hasn't been crashing or hanging in my testing so far,
but that might still happen.

I can't/won't merge this until I get some evidence that it's useful.
Hoping someone out there can lend a hand. I don't know what the actual
impact would be, but for some workloads it could be large. Even for folks
who have set all items to never expire, it could still potentially improve
hit ratios by better protecting active items.

It will work best if you at least have a mix of items with TTL's that
expire in reasonable amounts of time.


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