
Wild guess, hard to tell w/o actually comparing the ride to mine (c: . 
But I bet you have a combination of valve rebuild (leaks down, not at
right height w/trailer attached) and sphere (bounce).

I dont see how the valve could affect only one side, but since the
spheres are individual to a side, they might well be the cause of the
bounce issue.

I was amazed at how much nicer my wagon rode once I replaced the
spheres, in terms of bounce under load.

Now I have a ramp beside the house, and you can pull the boat up here,
we'll go for a sail, then diagnose the SLS over beverages!  It's only 3
hours away (c: .


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dieselvolk,
> Well, this past weekend I towed my sailboat back and forth from
> storage to boat shop to house to boat ramp, and found the experience
> most unpleasant.  Lots of bouncing, tongue of trailer yanking on the
> hitch like a wild animal trying to escape, having to drive real slow
> on the rougher sections of road, stopping several times to try to
> shift more weight onto the tongue to see if that would fix it.
> So, it took me three days to realize it, but I've finally decided
> that there must be a problem with the Self Leveling System (SLS) for
> the rear axle.  I did the bounce test, and the RR corner seems to
> bounce easier than the LR.  Most of the time the rear of the car is
> at the correct height when driving, but when loaded with the trailer
> that only occcured some of the time.  Also, she leaks down and sags a
> little most of the time.
> My first guess is that it's time to rebuild the control valve.  The
> valve in the car now came from a '79 donor, cost was all of $10 last
> summer.  It worked well until recently, when the car started sagging
> when parked, not always but enough to bug me.  Does it make sense
> that a failed control valve would cause one side to be weaker than
> the other?  Supposedly the nitrogen spheres were replaced by the PO
> about 5 years ago, I wonder if one of those has failed, which in turn
> pushed the control valve over the edge?    Hmmmm, last rebuild of the
> original control valve also failed after ~year or less.   Hmmmm....
> Very respectfully,
> /s/
> LCDR Meade M. Dillon, USNR
> Digest Lurker since 2001
> '85 300TD 322k miles (Euro 5spd)
> '96 Infiniti I30 149k miles (wife's 5spd)
> '73 Balboa 20 'Sanctification'
> Charleston SC

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