
I'm not sure what class it is, it is 20 ft long with a sloop rig.  Really a 
very enjoyable boat, and so far the cost has been reasonable.  My wife and I 
are really having fun with it, just wish the heat and humidity would become 
more reasonable.  The set-up and take-down cycles each take about 45 minutes, 
which typically leaves me drenched in sweat.  I've got to get one of those 
'shower-in-a-bag' deals to hang from the mast so that I can rinse off and cool 
down before jumping in the car that has no AC.

David Bruckman has provided the enlightenment I needed, and your info confirms 
that, so I'm going to get some new spheres.  I've already got a rebuild kit in 
hand, and some spare Febi fluid, just need to find the time to do it.

You don't happen to have the spring compressor?  Use of that special tool might 
be enough to tempt me to make the trip, as I'd love to put in thicker spring 
pads to increase ride height.

V/r Max


>I bet. What class is the boat?

>My ride would have been considered 'hard bouncy'. Hard to describe
>unless you were in the car. If I hit any bump with any load in the
>rear, the bounce came from the springs after the SLS spheres 'bottomed
>out'. That is how I imagined what was going on based on the feel.

>The spheres have a small orifice in them. Behind the orifice is a
>rubber ball full of nitrogen. I suppose the 'shock absorber' effect is
>created by the orfice only allowing so much hydraulinc fluid to move
>back and forth, compressing and relaxing the ball.

>So order a set of spheres from Rusty then leave the boat there, and
>head up for the icy beverages, writing off the fuel as a test run for
>the spheres. I have an old Highlander we can use as a platform for
>beverage consumption (c:


Very respectfully,
LCDR Meade M. Dillon, USNR
Digest Lurker since 2001
'85 300TD 322k miles (Euro 5spd)
'96 Infiniti I30 149k miles (wife's 5spd)
'73 Balboa 20 'Sanctification'
Charleston SC

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