David wrote:<<Where I disagree with most right-wing commentators is that I don't think
*racial* profiling will work>>>

The problem most right wing commentators (as you describe them) is not the people that *should* be included in a profile - forget the racial description - but rather the people who should *not* be stopped/harrassed/searched. People are being searched because they're 3rd in line - or some such arbitrary qualifier - and people like disabled Congressmen, Retired Generals/Medal of Honor winners, 80 yr old gramdma's and 2 year old children are being detained. Absolutely no benefit is gained from detaining and searching such people - and they came with impeccable identification.

I suspect the term "racial" profiling was coined to generate a emotional response to a practical suggestion. No one is suggesting only people who look like Arabs be searched/detained/etc - but men between 15 and 35 are the most likely to be terrorist on a mission although some women have been participating also. To call it "racial" profiling is not accurate - any more than seeing a white man flee a bank with bags of money in each hand and 100 $ bills in their pockets and targeting black men would make sense.

Larry T (78 240D)

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