Thanks Russ for a little of the real story. I wonder why the mass media isn't 
reporting on that? I did note that france is sending a team of 20 rescue 
workers to help out. Australia is donating a million or so dollars. Our friends 
the Japanese are sending half a million. 

According to the news reports there is NO FOOD AND NO WATER available. Could 
there be a little bias going on? Kind of like the Iraq story where EVERYBODY 
hates us. However my nephew seems to think that many people like us in the 
little town of Bagdad where he is stationed. 

Keep telling us what you know,


In a message dated 9/4/2005 1:56:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
From: Russ Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] A VERY serious topic
To: Mercedes mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

Who Wait a minute.

Don't believe all that the National Media is putting out.

Yes there has been random snipering and Lawlessness.
But what the media isn't passing along is the hundreds of people
that risked Life and Limb rescuing folks from roof tops and attics,
I'm not talking about the Professional rescuers either these are
just everyday citizens that stayed behind and were trapped along with
everybody else. When the blow was over and water started rising they
started helping rescue less fortunate people instead getting the Hell
Out of Dodge.
The Baton Rouge Community has Open up it arms to the folks that lost
The Evil Empire (Wally World) has sent 3 truck loads of Water and Canned
food to the major shelters everyday for no charge everyday since Wed. Also
donated $15M to the disaster relief fund. Before any of the Wally World
bashes start sure they are gonna write off of taxes the thing is that they
did it Because they wanted to.
I just got off the phone with a friend who I worked with at the local
Sheriff's Dept in the S&R squad. He just spent 3 days running an air boat
doing S&R Operations in the Heart of the Project District NEVER ONCE did he
take any fire.

Sorry for the Rant but I just wanted to let everyone know the Real Story.

As for my family we had no damage other than a tree that decided to fall
on S-I-L's pickup truck.

Russ W.
'83 240d x2
Gonzales, La.

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