it was written <<Based on your logic, one can reason that the more education 
one receives,
>the less likely they are to be a supporter of the Republican >>

Actually, that's not far from the truth.  Same for belief in God.  One of 
the things the professors attack is the students belief system - their 
religion is called into doubt.  Not sure why this happens but they seem to 
want no competition with the dogma they plan to use to indoctrinate the 
students.  Naturally this doesn't happen to everyone and mot everyone is 
susceptible to this kind of attack but some will turn.  And the longer they 
stay at their "institute of higher learning"  the more likely the student is 
to consider atheism an appropriate alternative.

the attack on conservatism happens at the same time using the same tactics. 
Some students will have a good understanding of what conservatism consist of 
as well as the basics of their religion making attacks less successful. 
There have been instances of students making conservatove arguments & 
getting failing grades from liberal professors.   Some students have taped 
the professors attacks on students and taken legal action against them.

I;m afraid the education system is largely made up of liberals just like the 
media industry so the attack on conservatove values comes from several 
directions.   Same with the movie industry - they're heavily democratic and 
their movies depict this - sometimes subtly sometimes not.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Loren Faeth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:26 AM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Obama and political gobbeldegook

> you named 2 out of 10 of thousands of "journalists"   Not a very high
> percentage is it? Even if you add the eight in your second list, that
> is 00.1% or 1 tenth of one percent, if there were only 10,000
> "journalists" in the country.
> As for your party, no matter what they call it, is the
> socialist/communist party  They use words like "progressive" to mask
> the real intent.  It does not take much research to find the links
> from Hillary and BO to Saul  Alinsky
> If you listen to JFK's speeches, he would be called a "radical
> Conservative" now.  "Ask what you can do for your country"  Tax cuts,
> Strong Military, an unprecendented space race.   That was the
> democrat party.  It is a very undemocratic party now.   "You WILL
> think our way, OR ELSE!"    I am glad you enjoy it.  As for me, I
> like JFK's approach.
> Enjoy your BO while he is in the game!  Take away his teleprompter
> and see how well you like his speeches then.  The clinton machine is
> trying to take him out still.  I don't think BO will win any more
> elections, even for chicago dog catcher.   That is what I'd call
> effed as you put it.
> At 10:41 PM 9/8/2008, you wrote:
>>Funny you mention that...
>>"Basically now a degree in 'journalism' means you are a democrat party 
>>for its propaganda machine.."
>>I wonder if education plays a part in this. Clearly you just expressed 
>>opinion that those who attend a post secondary institution and devote 
>>studies to journalism end up leaning on the Democratic side.
>>I wonder what that says about 'journalists' with inferior education (e.g
>>high school diploma, GED, etc.). Some examples come to mind, namely:
>>Sean Hannity - high school education, honorary degree awarded by Jerry
>>Falwell doesn't count
>>Shepard Smith - high school education, almost finished college (sorry 
>>only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades)
>>Based on your logic, one can reason that the more education one receives,
>>the less likely they are to be a supporter of the Republican Party. Of
>>course, there are plenty Republican Party supporters that did attend
>>college; the point herein is simply to show that your logic is effed, just
>>like your presidential candidate.
>>Oh yea, and it's the Democratic Party, not democrat party.
>>Yours truly,
>>Obama '08
>>-----Original Message-----
>>On Behalf Of Loren Faeth
>>Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 9:07 AM
>>To: Mercedes Discussion List
>>Subject: Re: [MBZ] Obama and political gobbeldegook
>>and part of what passes for "journalism."  Basically now a degree in
>>"journalism" means you are a democrat party hack for its propaganda
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> Loren Faeth
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