>>Things have changed a bit. It has been years since I looked into emigrating to
Australia or NZ. I do not fault them for their policies. I wish we had a
coherent immigration policy.

[How did we get on to this topic?]  I'm no expert on NZ's immigration
policies, but that doesn't stop me having a view. Like most small countries
struggling in the global economy, New Zealand is haemorrhaging skilled
nationals to countries which can afford to pay higher wages and salaries.
The remainder stay to enjoy our peaceable quality of life. The skills
deficit is being made up by relaxing immigration quotas. If the qualifying
skills thresholds are too low, of course, immigration will simply create a
new class of migrant labourers who compete for blue-colour jobs with our own
nationals. That's not where the shortage is currently. If the quotas are too
generous, we'll end up looking like every other over-populated country in
the world. Not only will our vulnerable economy and welfare system struggle
to cope but our society will begin to resemble those the migrants are so
desperate to leave.

Besides, not enough migrants bring their W123 diesels with them.



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