How big is your antenna/rotor?

Not very.  Same old rabbit ears/piece of wire on the floor/
strange circular ring on top of the house.

Last I knew, you could mail order a sizable deep fringe antenna for under $200.

More money to soak out of the consumer for the 'upgrade'!

If all the transmitters are in the same direction from you, you wouldn't even need the rotor.

Nope, they're in two different directions.  One antenna we
can see (and that's the one we're getting signal from), the
others are all behind a rather large hill.

I ran two pieces of RG6 up to the chimney during the new construction.
The plan is for two antennae and to mix them down in the equipment
room and then route the result (whether on coax or Ethernet) to
wherever the TV is going to end up.  Someday.

SO much better than just taking the TV out of the box and
plugging it in.  Yes-siree!

-- Jim

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