On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 1:27 AM, Wonko the Sane <don.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nope. I am his serf for two weeks. The "bring in your 240D" would have to
> be
> his suggestion. I am more thinking that I will be doing wet sanding for 80
> hours. I simply want to apprentice for two weeks then return to my day job,
> but pick up the equivalent of what the local community college used to
> offer
> as Body Repair. I certainly won't be doing this for a living ... or I don't
> plan to (unless the bug bites me bad).
> I see this more as a temporary training under a self-taught master, and you
> can't normally buy that.

I agree with Craig. You only lose out on this by *not* asking. If you ask
and he says no, you asked, if you ask and he says come on in, you get good
usable skills. Then the rest of us can pick your brain and you can pass them
on to us too :)


"I'm a Night Elf Mohawk!" - Mr. T.
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