I really enjoy my job. I might be in the minority here, but I seldom wake up
and say, "Good God, I have to go to the damn'd office." I am required to be
at work by 8:00 AM, but by 8:00 most workdays, I've already arrived, brewed
a cup of tea, fed the fish in my office aquarium, checked my emails (work
and home accounts), read the Washington Post and Des Moines Register front
pages (online), and tuned WinAmp to SmoothJazz.com or NPR streaming audio. I
try to be at work by 7:30 AM, 7:45 AM at the latest. My timesheet says I
arrived at 8:00 AM.

I guess I get enough "vacation" on Saturday and Sunday. By Monday, I am
ready to go back to the office.

I did take a week off a couple of years ago when my son got married in
Virginia. But I don't think I've done that since. Only vacation time in
recent memory was the day I took off to watch the election returns (meaning,
I stayed up late and didn't go into the office the next day, but in fact did
go in at noon).

 Rick Knoble <rickkno...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Btw, why don't you use your vacation time every year?
> Rick Knoble
> '85 300 CD
> '87 190 DT
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