 I've got just the deal for you! How about a whole car? This way, you get to
hear the engine run, and it can even deliver itself under its own power!
 Seriously, I've seen several cases where I could buy a whole car cheaper
than I could get an engine and tranny. Many, many 123's and 126's have
wasted away due to tin worm and/or accidents long before the engine dies,
and these can often be had in roller form with the engine running.
 I've got a very nice running 1984 300D for sale now. Engine runs very well,
but exterior and interior are both a little on the rough side. I'd have
retired it long ago if it didn't keep running so well. 188Kmiles.
  Gary Thompson
Austin, TX
1984 300D
1995 E320

 On 10/18/05, BillR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rich Thomas wrote:
> > Drink one beer. When the beer is gone the oil is done.
> >
> You drink slowly!
> Marshall
> Gee - How fast can you down a keg?
> OK guys - I think the black cloud might well be over my baby once more. I
> am not happy with the 2nd engine I got from PGA, either. No cracked rings
> this time, but unless one of you knows a rather benign reason for it to be
> putting out bluish smoke for a couple of blocks I might still be looking
> for
> an engine. More than a bit unhappy to throw out almost $4K in labor costs
> [you who can do your own indy work should be smiling now], but paying for
> another one to be installed would still beat having an engine that is
> going
> down the tubes on me. Previous owner said it had a bit of smoke when it
> started, and used 2 quarts between 3K changes. What little I know of
> engines [even less about diesels] suggests that any number of things could
> be going wrong with the engine, some more serious than others. Comments
> from your experiences about the smoking - perhaps for the first mile -
> would
> be appreciated. I really think the oil and temp gauges are messed up and
> not really related to the engine, else oil gauge would not be pegged at
> '3'
> when the key is turned, then go down when warm, unaffected by engine
> speed,
> and the temp would do something when grounded [it doesn't].
> Depending on what my indy tells me over the next couple of days and
> your experience I'll decide. What I have gone through can't be the best
> way
> to find an engine.
> BillR
> Jacksonville FL
> 300SD EM 265k / 200k engine, IF

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