BillR wrote:
Steve MacSween wrote:

As to Mercedes, I assume you had tongue in cheek? Mercedes was the first
company to actually crash test vehicles (in the late 1950s or early 60s),
and it was a Mercedes engineer who patented the concept of automotive
crumple zones.

I was told that the '62 220Sb I was driving when I had 'the big one' was the
first production car with them.  I didn't exactly walk away from a head-on
at 55MPH [3mos in the hospital, three more in a body cast] but I lived a lot
longer than the girl who hit me in her boy friends mid 60's Chevy.  Steering
column through her chest.

Pretty sure the mid/late 50s pontons were built using crumple zones.

I have several friends and relatives that have survived highway head-ons in Mercedes built between the late 50s thru the early 80s. If I have to have a head-on, I'd prefer it be in a Mercedes.

Marshall Booth Ph.D.
Ass't Prof. (ret.)
Univ of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Pharmacology  1300 BST
Pittsburgh PA 15261 USA

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