Hi Curt, 


Welcome back, glad to see you back in circulation, no pun intended.  The lesson 
here is.... if you feel a pain or something unusual... get it checked out.  


I just went thru a similar thing at the end of December... had a nagging pain 
in my leg, like a charley horse.  It hung around for weeks, coming and going, 
and moving to different parts of my leg.  I mostly ignored it, thinking it was 
just normal aches and pains from stuff I was doing.  I justified it by thinking 
I overdid the snow shovelling last month, etc etc.  Finally my wife and I 
decided to look up the symptoms on the internet, and discovered something 
called DVT:  Deep Vein Thrombosis.... a blood clot.  So I called my doctor, to 
get an appointment, and he told me to get to the Emergency Room NOW.  Dont wait 
another minute.  Sheesh. So I did, and sure enough they found a clot behind my 
knee.  I am on blood thinners for a while, and hopefully it will diminish.  The 
ER Doc made a comment that I was "lucky that I felt the pain and responded.  Do 
you know when we usually find the blood clots?  At the autopsy."  :)  

I had no idea that this pain could have been caused by a clot, nor any idea how 
one gets clots.  But I got one.  The danger is that if the clot gets above the 
knee, it can journey to the heart and the lungs, and things can get real 
serious real fast.  I was lucky, but it was a close call.  So for anyone else 
out there with a peculiar pain, particularly in the leg, get it checked.  You 
never know.


I look forward to seeing back at the ChowdahQ!


Tom Schuch

SE Connecticut



Message: 11
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:50:14 -0800 (PST)
From: Curt Raymond <curtlud...@yahoo.com>
To: mercedes@okiebenz.com
Subject: [MBZ] worst of its over
Message-ID: <461330.86358...@web32806.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
So its done, 3 stents in 2 different places.
If it weren't for the pain in my leg and that I get dizzy quick I'd be outta 
here now.
Thanks for all the kind words you lot.

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