Nope! Not at all. I am saying that our planet was created to be self healing. The normal variation will continue to occur. I do not know what those normal variations will be. Most of Norte Amerika was once a glacier. In fact, where my house is was covered by seven different glaciers that advanced, then receded one at a time. It was also a tropical paradise. Now it is a temperate climate. All this happened before without the interference of a single exploder, or a trillion vehicles. It will happen again with or without vehicles and/or people.

The point about Penetubo and other volcanos is that even these massive emissions, which dwarf the sum total of all the emissions of all human activities, are insufficient to cause any change outside of normal variation. Therefore, human activities will not cause climate change outside of normal variation.

The climate change scam was invented to enslave people by taxing the very existence of animal life. (CO2) AND even taxing all life and all things that used to be alive (C) "Climate change" was all political.

The real evidence is that for the past 10 years or so, and for the next 20 or so years, the planet will cool. After that the normal cycle will warm up again. This cycle is directly related to solar activity. (Solar activity means the amount of solar radiation reaching earth, not how many solar collectors are put on on this planet.)

So if mankind disappeared from the planet overnight along with all our
greenhouse gas emitting activities, are you saying the polar ice caps would
continue to melt, ocean levels would continue to rise, and average
temperatures would continue their inexorable upward momentum for the next
50 to 100 years because of Mt. Pinatubo and other natural disasters?

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