Alex Chamberlain wrote:

This is certainly the line that the insurance industry has been
feeding us for a long time.  But I've said this before and I'll keep
saying it:  insurance is the one product in the marketplace that
everyone is required to have (i.e. car liability insurance, plus soon
health insurance), but that the seller is not required to provide in
exchange for the buyer's money.

Well, supposedly when ObamaCare kicks in they'll be required to provide us with health insurance in exchange for forcing us to buy it.

I wonder how many people will resist that?
I grew up with the idea that somebody could take out a mortgage and deduct the interest, while another taxpayer could save up and pay cash for their home and take the standard deduction. The guy without the mortgage pays more in taxes than the guy who took out a mortgage and bought a bigger house.

Where I draw the line is when government fines me for not borrowing money to buy a more expensive house by requiring me to pay a special $1000 tax for not having the mortgage. That's where I must make a stand by filing a protest return, the one where I leave the mortgage surtax calculations blank and attach a preparer's note which states that it's none of their business how I paid for my house.

Same goes for health care. I can pay as I go or I can buy insurance coverage for it. The minute the feral government says I must buy insurance, not just any insurance but the insurance they want me to buy, or pay a tax is the moment I become a tax protester.



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