It has an AUTOMATIC tranny, AND plastic fenders? WTF? What kind of kick-ass
car can it be with those???

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 9:39 AM, WILTON <> wrote:

>  Here's the deal, kids:
>> This is a Jeep Cherokee.  This is not a luxury SUV, or a maintenance-free
>> disposable import.  It has solid front axles, wind noise, and character.
>> It's a Jeep.  It rides like a Jeep.  It drives like a Jeep.  All of these
>> are GOOD things.
>> It is not new, it is not pristine, it is used.  This will be apparent in
>> the pictures.
>> If you do not own a toolbox, have never changed your own oil, and are
>> scared of firearms: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
>> If you have been posting on facebook all about how excited you are for
>> pumpkin latte season: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
>> If you get offended easy and often, whine to your co-workers, and bitch a
>> If you feel you are owed anything in the world & have a bullshit job
>> where you fail to produce: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
>> If you own a bieber album, white oakleys, affliction t-shirts, or those
>> candy-assed stitched-pocket jeans: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
>> If you consider the 2nd Amendment an anachronistic relic and have never
>> owned a firearm: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
>> If, however, you have BALLS OF STEEL and consider adverse weather an
>> excuse to do stupid shit: THIS IS YOUR JEEP.
>> Do you laugh at danger, and tempt fate?
>> Have you ever uttered the words, "Hold my beer and watch this ..."?
>> While bored at work do you pick targets at random and think, "I could hit
>> that from here with the .22 ..."?
>> Have any of your friends quit hanging out because you were too much fun?
>> Do you have the number of a friend with cash memorized for bail?
>> When you pass an abandoned flatbed farm truck along a fenceline do you
>> consider taking on another project?
>> Is your ol' lady really sick of the random piles of parts, greasy
>> footprints, and empty beer bottles in the garage?
>>     -could you not care less?
>> Do you have Jalopnik saved on your laptop AND smartphone?
>> Do you own a service manual for every vehicle you ever owned?
>> Do you still miss your first ride?
>> Can you carry on a two hour conversation discussing tools, scars, and
>> hi-lift jacks?
>> Remember when tool companies had the balls to put half-naked beauty
>> queens on their calendars?
>> Do you consider the Prius an abominable affront to the Gods of
>> displacement, torque, and All Mighty Internal Combustion?
>> If you answered in the affirmative to the preceding: THIS IS YOUR JEEP.

OK Don
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin 1775
"in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
- Benjamin Franklin 1789
2013 F150, 18 mpg
2012 Passat TDI DSG, 44 mpg
1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!

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