So these mountains (Torres del Paine in Chile) some 12k or 20k years ago were under a kilometer or more of ice. The brown part on top is sedimentary rock from when they were under water, and the granite on the bottom is bedrock, it was all scraped down by glaciers. So at some point in the past, before Suburbans and CFPPs it was REALLY warm, and then it got REALLY cold, and now it is getting warm again.

So, my view is that there is global climate change, but the climate has been changing for a loooooooong time, and yeah maybe my Suburban is contributing, but there seems to be adequate precedent for it happening. What is more recent is the redistribution schemes being promoted by the warmists, and that sorta annoys me.


On 1/19/14 1:21 PM, Dieselhead wrote:
The winter is not abnormally cold. It's just been an abnormally long time since we had one. Siberia got all the cold last year, along with central Europe, same deal the polar vortex dipped down on that side. We used to get a cold blast at least once a winter every four or five years, this time it's been 20 years since the last one, and 30 since one this cold.

California is having record heat and drought.

Average world temperature is indeed up quite a bit in terms of average, if not a huge amount in absolute temp, but there are far more high temperature records being broken every year than low temperature records, even in cold areas.

The ship that got caught in Antarctica was trapped by a blizzard that froze the lighter surface fresh water. Once the wind stopped blowing the surface ice into the shore ice, it opened up and the ship is now on it's way home, unharmed.

Don't forget that the climate has not always been what it is in North America -- not all that long ago the tall grass pararie extended into Ohio, what is short grass like Nebraska was deep desert and most of the southwest was more like the deep Sahara with intervals of rain decades apart, not years. Not all that much longer ago, the ice sheets covered most of north America.

and before that, the Mississippi valley was tropical and wet. All changed because the dinosaurs drove suburbans.

That is exactly what i mean by Deming's warning about not confusing normal variation with special cause variation.

There is no special cause affecting climate. It is all a hoax created by lying with statistics and fraudulent data and the grand hope of the self perceived ruling class to tax everything and control everyone. The same morons who brought us oh! Bummercare and characterize wallymert as evil, while the wallymertinsurance is vastly better than obummercare and vastly cheaper.


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