See heres the thing I don't understand about the climate change argument. Lets 
say, just for giggles, that we can't do anything about the temperature change, 
its gonna do what its gonna do. So the right would have us believe all we've 
got to do is roll back environmental restrictions and the economy will ramp up 
and everybody will be happy right?

So what happens when you can't breathe? I've seen pictures of the Nashua river 
not far from my house ON FIRE. Thats what lax regulation does to us, business 
pushes to make stuff as cheap as possible because most people only see hoarding 
as much cheaply made junk as possible and to get stuff as cheap as possible 
means pollution.

You can breathe in the LA basin again, the smog is way, way down. This has been 
in no small part to more efficient cars but probably more to do with pollution 
scrubbers on power plants. There aren't as many wild fires any more either 
which I'm sure helps a lot...

Theres only so much air, I see lots of "scientists" that'll tell you theres 
such a huge amount of atmosphere that we can pollute all we want but if you go 
back 100 years "scientists" were saying the same thing about water. "Dump 
anything you want in the ocean, it'll clean it theres a bazzilion gallons of 
water there!" Guess what, you throw enough pollution somewhere it gets back to 
you eventually. When it comes to the atmosphere what goes up must come down.

This is one of the few places I seriously disagree with Ron Paul, he says 
abolish the EPA and the market will "work it out", I say "yeah right". I also 
don't believe people or markets are in any way rational, one trip to Wal-Mart 
should show you that.


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 14:18:22 -0500
From: Rich Thomas <>
To: Mercedes Discussion List <>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Warming, was Coleman collectors WAS: low cost 3D
    metal printer
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

So these mountains (Torres del Paine in Chile) some 12k or 20k 
years ago were under a kilometer or more of ice.  The brown part on top 
is sedimentary rock from when they were under water, and the granite on 
the bottom is bedrock, it was all scraped down by glaciers.  So at some 
point in the past, before Suburbans and CFPPs it was REALLY warm, and 
then it got REALLY cold, and now it is getting warm again.

So, my view is that there is global climate change, but the climate has 
been changing for a loooooooong time, and yeah maybe my Suburban is 
contributing, but there seems to be adequate precedent for it 
happening.  What is more recent is the redistribution schemes being 
promoted by the warmists, and that sorta annoys me.


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