I wish you folks would make up your mind. Back a few decades ago, "big chemical" patented a new kind of freon, R-134a, so the government thought it was a good time to tell the public how the old freon, R-12, was rising up to the stratosphere and blocking the heat from the sun such that if we didn't quit using R-12 the earth would quickly turn into a big ice cube. Then, a decade or two later, some unemployed scientists got their heads together and decided the world needed 'way more climatologists, so they hypothesized that the problem was global warming instead of global cooling and would the government please give them some nice salaries so they could continue with their research. Then, a few years ago, some nosy reporters discovered that the top climatologists at "global warming headquarters" in England had been "cooking the books" to make it look like the earth was warming even though it wasn't. Not long after that climatologist everywhere hypothesized that there wasn't exactly global warming, so they would call it climate change. Well, it seems that climate change has been going on since the earth was a big ball of hot mud, so the climatologists seem to have come full circle and we don't know if the earth is going to get hotter, colder, or stay the same. Meanwhile, I'm not going to worry about it anymore when my ancient Mercedes springs a leak and spews all its Mexican R-12 out in the atmosphere. [:o)

Hear, Hear!

Only thing is, that the patents were out on R12. But nobody would pay ridiculous prices for an unnecessary refrigerant. So "big chem" hires some smucks through "channels" to "discover" that R-12 was gonna freeze us all to deat'. Then they get the, (umm what was the word of the day? ) socialists to lobby the goobers in the goobermnt to "Save us" from R-12. "Big chem" not only funded the radicals (useful idiots) through "channels" but eventually openly lobbied to "ban CFCs"

Then we had ridiculously high priced for R134, and a series of way overpriced propane blends.

What's next?  Oh! attack R22 of course.

and the sheeple follow


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