This is trash promulgated by a non-scientist with a right wing agenda.

You should know better than to parrot viral garbage racing around the internet before you do due diligence.

Quite a bit of data is missing, has obvious errors, or cannot be explained by known weather phenomena, and the data from the US is vastly better than most of the rest of the planet. In order to model and interpret, it can be necessary to correct known errors (a thermometer that read high or low all the time, for instance,and was known to by comparison) and to correct for errors when someone reported a temperature greatly different than surrounding ones with no explaination, etc. Data can be full of errors, after all.

All the data from before the advent of weather satellites is from written records, often by amateurs or farmers who may or may not (probably mostly not) have had certified thermometers known to read accurately, and there has never been a "real" climate data system designed to collect the pertinent data, and even if there were one now, it certainly did not exist prior to the 1970s.

The last major heat wave we had was quite similar here to the 1930s -- my mother lived through it. Just a couple degrees and a couple days short of the record set then.

Climate scientists are well aware of the need to interpolate missing data, corrections necessary due to what are very obviously reporting errors, and so forth, and that information is included in their research papers if you bother to read them and understand them.

Some layman nut writing under an assumed name shouldn't get the time of day, let alone credibility.

I strongly suggest you learn some climate science and scientific methodology before you criticize someone's work.

Reminds me of the climate "scientist" who was blowing some years back that in HIS part of climate research (the upper reaches of the stratosphere) the temperatures were not changing and therefore there was no "climate change". Only surface temps were changing, so he assumed (and bloviated) that the CLIMATE couldn't be changing because above 100,000 ft altitude he wasn't seeing anything. Fine if you live on the edges of space, I suppose, but all the humans I know of live below 12,000 ft altitude and on the physical surface of the planet, which he agreed WAS heating up.

This sort of nonsense gives science a bad name, which is, after all, the entire and complete point of all the nonsense you referred to. Once we can discredit science we can get right back to Divine Right and get to persecuting heretics while stealing everything.



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