doesn't seem closed from here

On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Craig via Mercedes <>

> On Sun, 5 Oct 2014 19:07:20 -0500 Peter Frederick via Mercedes
> <> wrote:
> > This is trash promulgated by a non-scientist with a right wing agenda.
> >
> > You should know better than to parrot viral garbage racing around the
> > internet before you do due diligence.
> Actually your vitriolic rant is what is garbage. I am a scientist and am
> on an email list of many leading scientists who discuss the
> mis-information behind the climate hysteria, not the least of which is
> that the climate models are increasingly divergent from what is actually
> happening.
> From a posting on that list,
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Incidentally, the handle of the hockey stick was produced by Mann using
> tree rings, which in itself is wrong as they represent precipitation not
> temperature. When the tree ring trend they produced went down in the 20th
> century they tacked on the "modern" record produced by Jones (hide the
> decline). Jones record became the blade of the hockey stick and shows the
> up turn on this graph.
> In his original work Jones claimed the temperature increased 0.6°C in
> approximately 120 years and that this was unnatural because it exceeded
> any natural temperature record increase. The ice core record shows that
> is false. More troubling, the Jones data was 0.6°C ±0.2°C or a ±33%
> percent error range. When Warwick Hughes asked for Jones' data he
> replied, on 21, February 2005. "We have 25 or so years invested in the
> work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to
> try and find something wrong with it." Then Jones reported, what I think
> we will eventually hear from Mann, that he lost the data.
> Notice he says it is not acceptable, but he was never held accountable.
> Yes, the Mann or more correctly the Phil Jones and IPCC modern record up
> turn in the 20th century is insignificant in the 10,000 Holocene record.
> The reason for Mann's hockey stick was to support the argument that
> todays temperatures are the highest ever. We pointed out that the
> Medieval Warm Period, around 1000 on the graph was warmer, so Mann set
> out to get rid of it. It wasn't just Mann, but the entire gang at the
> Climatic Research Unit (CRU), most of who were on the IPCC. One was
> Jonathan Overpeck, who in an email to David Deming said."We have to get
> rid of the Medieval Warm Period." Deming gave this as sworn testimony to
> the Congress.
> When we argued that the world was warmer for most of the Holocene as the
> Greenland graph shows, the argument made by NASA (Hansen), NOAA and
> especially the CRU people was that it was only warmer in summer
> temperatures. What rubbish.
> The evidence isn't just the ice core record. Here is a photograph of a
> White Spruce some 100 km north of the current tree line. It was taken by
> Professor Ritchie and first appeared in Lamb's Volume 2. I obtained
> permission from Professor Ritchie to use it in articles I was writing.
> Here the photo is attached to a similar Holocene graph to the one
> produced by NOAA that I used in a powerpoint presentation..
> Notice the temperature was at least 2°C warmer than at present, yet the
> IPCC say this would be a catastrophic warming. The question is how did
> the polar bears survive the Holocene, because there was certainly
> considerably less ice.
> So many lies, so much terrible science. So little accountability
> -----------------------------------------------------
> The billions of dollars of funding that has been poured into supporting
> the hysteria has corrupted many scientists and degraded science.
> Craig
> Ph.D. physics
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