Gerry wrote:
I posted this to see if there were filters for such issues on the mercedes 
The existence of such filters on Yahoogroups is being investigated by several 
members of a Yahoogroups list I belong to, and I had hoped to post a "failure 
to deliver" notice here in the hopes that some of the computer experts on this 
list could determine how and/or by whom the message was blocked.

The government has proposed laws to control the content of submissions on the 
internet which are opposed by many, left wing and right wing. 

It isn't surprising that most members objection to the posting is because of 
its content rather than the fact that it is not about Mercedes.
Personally, I have a "wait and see" attitude toward "global warming"; 
especially since I remember that during the 1970s all the rage was about global 
cooling which was why the government took away R-12 and have caused us Mercedes 
owners all sorts of air conditioning troubles. (Mercedes content.) observer, not a partisan or activist.

> > Peter wrote:
> > > This is trash promulgated by a non-scientist with a right wing agenda.
> > > You should know better than to parrot viral garbage racing around the
> > > internet before you do due diligence.
> > Actually your vitriolic rant is what is garbage. I am a scientist and am
> > on an email list of many leading scientists who discuss the
> > mis-information behind the climate hysteria, not the least of which is
> > that the climate models are increasingly divergent from what is actually
> > happening.
> >
> > From a posting on that list,
> > ------------------------------------------------------


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