At 07:46 AM 1/25/2006, Mitch Haley wrote re. DOT 4 brake fluid:

There are lots of ways to go, I buy Valvoline "synthetic"
because it's cheap, and alternate it with ATE Superblue from
Rusty because Superblue doesn't look like last year's Valvoline
and I easily can tell when my change/flush is complete.

I used to use Castrol GT but started using the Valvoline synthetic because Marshall said good things about it. I now have it in most of my vehicles and in two situations it has solved long term sticky caliper problems. First in an 87 Polaris fourwheeler that has one brake only, the caliper of which was sticking despite efforts taking it apart and shinning things up with crocus cloth. Same thing on the front calipers of an 87 Ford 700. Good stuff.

     Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

     I'm nobody!  Who are you?
     Are you - Nobody - Too?

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