So a little while ago I rode my bike down to the beach and was coming home. I only have to go in a road for a coupla hundred feet, mostly through a rotary/roundabout, the rest is bike path or a median for a short ways. So I am going through the rotary, the law says I am entitled to a lane, or a vehicle shall pass safely where possible. So as I go to exit the rotary onto the road I see, out the back corner of my eye, a black bumper about 4 inches from my back wheel, attempting to pass me and turn on the same road. I yell and the car backs off. Then I get onto the road, and immediately into the center median away from the vehicle lanes, and a Pious passes me running on battery. So I never heard the thing as the woman was attempting to run me over.

Nice. That has happened to me in parking lots too, people in those things attempting to go around when they should just wait and follow, and they can't be heard AT ALL. Like 15 seconds is going to postpone their world-changing mission.


What about blind people? I propose that electric vehicles should have the equivalent of the card clipped to the bicycle to make noise on the spokes. It should have faster noise as the wheel goes faster, thereby giving both audible signal of the presence of the pious, and an indication of relative speed.

(pious meaning electric vehicle, not just one brand called Pious)


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