Second that. Be thinking of all of you enjoying a feast while I eat a piece of turkey and some low carb vegetables and nothing else.

I've been a lot happier since I stopped eating so much at holiday

We're having deep-fried buzzard again, or such is the plan.  Going to
have a house full, too.  Friends, but for the three of us.  We seem to
have gravitated towards doing it this way of recent years.

On the MB front, winter has struck, we woke up Tuesday to 1.5" of
snow, and the roads were not good what with the layer of ice underneath
and all.  I spent the AM putting the Hakkapeliittas on the X5.  This
will be their fourth year in service, and they still look almost new.

_My_ Hakkas are on the Frankenheap, which I dusted off.  Last touched
it in February.  It started right up without a hitch.  I've got a bad
leaker, I think it's the wretched chromed rim letting loose.  For now
I put the air tank in the trunk.  (It spent the summer with that wheel
flat but supported by a block.)

That poor car is experiencing terminal rust.  I can look through the
floorboard by the emergency brake again.  I welded that all closed a
mere eleven years ago, but not very well.  Blame the DoT, since they
started salting the roads here.  I love driving this car in the winter,
but they've destroyed it.

-- Jim


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