He should import some Italian expertise and start making fresh mozzarella di 
buffola, good fresh stuff is nearly impossible to find here, and terribly 
Max Dillon
Charleston SC
'87 300TD
'95 E300

On July 28, 2016 2:26:06 PM EDT, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes 
<mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
>A buddy of mine ended up with some number of water buffaloes.  It is 
>actually a pretty funny story.  I can't remember all the details but it
>involved a guy who had like 20 of the things he was going into the 
>mozarella cheese business and needed some place to keep them. This was 
>like 4 or 5 years ago, maybe 6.  My buddy has cattle he raises for beef
>for restaurants around here, and his farm is along the river, so for 
>whatever rent he said sure he would keep them and do whatever with
>they can hang out in the river or ponds or whatever.
>So time goes by and the guy is not dealing with the WBs, then goes
>not paying anything and can't be reached.  Some months pass and he
>up and says he has found another place for them, so he says he'll come 
>and get some to take wherever.   My buddy notices a few days later
>like there are more around so he counts them and is totally like WTF is
>going on, there's more of them now than there were before.  Seems
>than picking them up the guy dropped off more that he had been keeping 
>somewhere else.  So now there's like 30-35 of them hanging around, and 
>the guy disappears again.  Plus I think they started reproducing, there
>might have been a bull or two in the mix along in there at some point, 
>or he brought them or something.
>Then some other guy from Georgia calls and says he has bought them,
>number of them, and wants to come get them.  My buddy by then is like 
>come get every one of the damn things, I'm tired of fooling with them. 
>So the guy shows up with a tractor trailer, and starts loading then
>he only bought 20 or 25 of them, he can't deal with the others, thank 
>you very much.  So my buddy now has a bunch of the things around still,
>and reproducing.  They are pretty big, and fairly docile but stupid, so
>he just kinda lets them hang out with his other cattle.  He might have 
>sold some or something but apparently the market is fairly limited to 
>cheese producers and there aren't too many in that bidness.  I'm not 
>sure they're any good for eating or they would be on menus around here.
>I don't think anyone else wants to milk them so they just do whatever 
>cows do.  You go over there and drive through the fields, and there are
>these big water buffaloes and babies hanging around in the pastures and
>the woods and whatnot, mixed in with his regular cattle, it's pretty 
>funny, looks like Vietnam or some damn place.
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