I have an old black friend who was an agitator back in the 60s and still is somewhat. In one discussion he was going on about why black people drive old CVs and Cadillacs and such -- because they're cheepcheep -- but then have to pay a lot for gas (not so much these days, but relatively) since they generally get lower gas mileage than newer cars. So he viewed this as another way that black people cannot take part in societal progress, and are penalized for being poor and driving cheepcheep old cars.

I tend not to argue with him about things, but just kinda take in his views on issues, some of which are quite perspicacious given his history. He is a Korean War veteran, got shot over there at Christmas, which always affects his enjoyment of the holiday. He came back home after getting shot and recovering, was trying to get home from Columbia SC, wearing his uniform, and a bunch of dumbass crackers told him he couldn't ride the bus. At that time he could not talk back to them or they probably would have finished what he almost got in Korea. He waited a couple hours for a later bus and managed to get on that after the crackers left on the other one. This sort of thing, among others, informs his views.


On 9/8/16 4:09 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes wrote:
That is exactly why po' folks who seldom leave the county or say a 30 mile radius, drove the big ol boats of the 70s and 80s for decades. the cheapness of buying the car offset the loss in fuel consumption. When we were driving over 60 miles a day, 6-7 days a week, the wabbit dissel, and later the Quantum, and Escort Dissels made sense. I could justify the cost of a new escort on fuel savings alone over the 17 MPG Plymie Valiant.

A $500 boat nobody wants vs a $5000 car buys a lot of fuel on a modest number of miles/year. The trick is to find a boat in good shape for $500.

Merkun ppl have figgered this out, as most new vehicles sold are pickups and SUVs that are NOT miserly. Back in 1975, you could not give away a peecup or a suburban, or even the big bronco/rumchugger/whatever the GM versions were called. Caddys were cheap, as were linkuns and the big crypslers.



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