Larry - I wouldn't be looking at the GPs - it started tight up and ran well. It has to be something with the fuel/air mix in the cylinder. A clogged fuel supply would be the first thing to check. I don't want to conjure up any more serious problems, but you mention of a formerly loose radiator expansion tank cap (un-pressurized system) and now a pressurized system makes one think a bit. Let's hope its just crud in the fuel lines. Any recent tank fill-ups from small stations? You did change out the pre-filter, right??

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:47 PM
Subject: [MBZ] Help - What did I do?

Hi Werner -
Bad news  I was going to go to the Post Office - it started instantly - as
usual, backed out, put it in D and it went to 1000 or 1500 rpm & then
started running rough with white smoke from the exhaust!  The more gas I
tried to give, te more white smoke - Idled back to into the driveway and
pondered what I'd done - vacuumed, tightened the coolant cap - that's all I
did in the engine compartment. Guess I'll look for any loose wires or
hoses --
What was the outcome of

Any ideas?  Could 3 or 4 GPs have gone bad?  It warmed partly up to 50 or
60C at most but it kept doing the same thing.  Turned it off, waited a few
seconds and restarted it - didn't help -

I'm confused!  But MAN am I glad my wife didn't drive it to work and have
this happen!  I'd never hear the end of it.

I know a lot about diesel engines, I rebuilt my 240D engine from the block
up - basically they need fuel and air - I'm thinking I should change the
fuel filters 1st - maybe I got bad gas ? Although I bought fuel at the same
place for my 240D without a problem.   I checked the air filter yesterday
and it looked clean.

Any ideas? How can it run so perfectly one day and like crap the next? We put close to a hundred miles on it yesterday (Monday) and it never missed a
beat.  The tank had been filled up 2 days before - on Saturday.  It ran
absolutely like a brand new car since we picked it up on Saturday -

This is what scared me away from gas engines --
Guess I'll take the 240D to the Post Office.

Larry T ('74 911, '67 MGB, 91 300D Turbo, 78 240D)

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