I think I found the Mercedes Veterans list about 1996. It was mostly about 115, 123, 108 with a few of us also owning 110, 111 and 112 cars. Alex has a 111 230S imported from Calif to .ch. MBCA ran a good ist at that time, but it was mostly 124, 126 and newer, so none of the info was relevant to me at the time. Sokolof was on the Veterans list with his Pontons.

Luddite and curmudgeon.
1966 200D
1980 240D 3 pedal
1981 240D 2 pedal
1986 300SDL
1987 300D
1990 420SEL yet to be picked up
Son: 1966 200D 2.4
Daughter: 380SL

Dearly departed:
3 SDLs
a slew of 110s
230TE (85)
300D (85 cal)
300TD 123.193
300TD 124
Maybe some others I forgot to list.
Kyle Arola via Mercedes <mailto:mercedes@okiebenz.com>
December 21, 2016 at 9:09 AM
That is a pretty long history! Not really that surprising as the "older"
generations seem to not be part of the throw away generation we are seeing
today. I was introduced to this group and encouraged to get involved by
Dan and Manfred and in my quest for a seasoned Mercedes W123 wagon, this
group will certainly be of benefit to me! I appreciate knowing some of the
history behind this effort and I will certainly use the knowledge available
for good and not evil!

Change your fuses seems to be pretty solid advice. Is this a frequent
problem/occurrence or a once a year type of event?

Thanks! Kyle

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 9:15 AM, Rick Knoble via Mercedes <

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Rick Knoble via Mercedes <mailto:mercedes@okiebenz.com>
December 21, 2016 at 8:15 AM
‎Hi there Kyle, welcome to the club. A little about our group here, in case you weren't informed. Someone please correct me if I am errant in the facts.

This ema‎il group originally started as a MB diesel list, with servers based in Canada. That list was incarnated in the late nineteen nineties (1997?). In about 2006, the server crashed and was never properly brought back online. When the system went down, Kaleb got a list of the membership and proceeded to contact everyone and started a new email list, with all of the old members. Many folks here, have been here since the beginning.

About the members here. You will find this to be amongst the most august, well educated, intelligent, and well rounded groups anywhere in the physical, or cyber world. We have numerous engineers, several commercial and military pilots (ret), a couple of PhD 's, a couple JD's. ‎Some of us have no letters after our name, but have been educated by life, and the passage of time.

We tend to veer off topic occasionally (a LOT), but most members endure the off topic excursions without too much complaint. If we stuck to MB topics only, the list traffic would be sparse, and would eventually fade away. Any question or topic imaginable can be asked here, and answers will magically appear in your inbox. Want to know how to fix your dishwasher? Ask away. What is the best apple for pies? Yep, someone here knows. The subject of politics ‎is endured, but can get out of hand. Fortunately, most of us do an adequate job of self policing. Personal attacks, and cursing will not be tolerated, and will get you moderated or banned. (Somebody else can explain the origins of the email group "Banned".) A couple of folks use pseudonyms instead of their given names, I suppose as an attempt to lessen their Internet footprint. To each his own.

We have had a few members pass away, most notable among them was A. Marshall Booth PhD. The man was a genius in several‎ fields, and Mercedes Benz diesel automobile systems happened to be one of them. I, for one, feel blessed to have known him digitally. He would USE CAPS for emphasis, and any electrical malady would usually bring the response from him to CHANGE YOUR FUSES. It is an iconic phrase around here...

A few of us can be considered Luddites (kermudgians, refusing to accept modern amenities)‎. I would say the majority of us put the "C" in "cheap". We understand the hard work behind the value of a dollar, and wish to extract the most value we can from each one of those hard earned dollars. Hence the love of Mercedes Benz automobiles. And that is the reason we are here.

Welcome to the club.


 ‎A link to Marshall's obit. Can't believe it's been nine years.


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