On Mar 4, 2006, at 10:26 PM, Brian Chase wrote:

I suppose it's self-explanatory, but would I just unsubscribe with this address and subscribe anew with the gmail address? As dopey as I am with
technical computer stuff, I don't want to screw anything up.


That explains why you used MSN in the first place. Don't you get like 5 or 8 e-mail addresses from your ISP? Years ago I found that Hotmail was junk, unless penis enlargement and barely legal teens is your thing. I had a hotmail account that I simply activated, never gave anybody the addy and I got junk to the tune of about 70 messages a day. G-mail is probably much better, although I've never given it a whirl. I'm no computer wizard either. Now I use my earthlink and mac.com addresses. I think you have the right idea about unsubbing and re-subbing with the new one.

Johnny B.
I Mac Therefore I am

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