I will rent the tool for $30.  You pay shipping both ways, and pay a
deposit of $ 160.  Total payment up front from you $ 200, money order. 
I return a money order for $ 160 when you return the tool in good


--- hue wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, Look slike I would do this if I had access to the
> tool....  The tool is like 189.00 and the timiming
> chain is only 63.00  so geee.   can't justify buying
> the tool.. 
> If, it's like an old bike chain, no problem, but it
> looks like this big double chain may be a bit more and
> need the tool?  ANyone know where to dig one up in
> Seattle?
> Also, So... I swap this chain out and that re-synchs
> the timeing, a quick valve clearence set and all is
> well withthe engine? (seems strangly simple....)
> These desiels are so much different then the gassers I
> had before (this is my first deseil)...

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