Christopher McCann wrote:
So there is NO moving part in an IP that is lubricated with JUST fuel?  engine 
oil lubricates everything? Cant't see how that could be...I'm  probably wrong, 
but would like a little more info/confirmation.
Is there ANYTHING we need to concern ourselves about regarding ULSD?

People in California have been using ULSD for several years now in both old and new Mercedes diesels and there have been NO problems. Same in Europe for even longer.

The Bosch mechanical injection pump design has ample lubriction when pumping #2 diesel, #1 diesel OR even gasoline!! All of the mechanical gasoline pumps from the '50 thru the early '70s were essentially the same design. The only thing that USLD MIGHT cause trouble with in a Mercedes are seals and "rubber" hose. Most that have been in place for 20 years will be fine as will the newest ones, but some small percentage MAY fail if the formulation of the fuel and it's seal swelling properties aren't perfect. Not really very different problems than switching to Bio or Veggie fuel, except the problems with ULSD are rather minor in severity.

          Marshall Booth (who doesn't respond to unsigned questions)
      "der Dieseling Doktor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'87 300TD 182Kmi, '85 190D 2.0 161Kmi, '87 190D 2.5 turbo 237kmi, '84 190D 2.2 229Kmi (retired)

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