No need to rationalize Dan. I was just tagging along on Curt's post and poking a bit of fun at you.
Watch out for the pythons.


On 04/09/2019 4:19 PM, Dan Penoff via Mercedes wrote:
As I think I’ve mentioned before the worst part about hurricanes is the waiting.

When you have a blizzard you don’t get a lot of warning in most cases, maybe a 
day or two. With hurricanes we are on the bubble as much as a week out, 
although our favorite local weather guesser has a set of rules about 
hurricanes, and rule #7 (the last one) is:

7. Stop freaking out....until I tell you to. We're fine.

The anticipation is what wears you out, just like it did with Dorian. You’re 
watching everything in the media for 3-4 days solid only to have it go 
somewhere else…it’s a major mind mess expecting the absolute worst and then 
having it suddenly evaporate.

Now to address Randy’s wonderment…

Pythons are only in South Florida. Not far from you are bears and certainly 
plenty of poisonous snakes.

Alligators are fairly common, but like most wild animals, will go out of their 
way to avoid you and are in clearly defined areas that any rational person 
simply doesn’t go near unless they are looking for a confrontation.

Bugs? You have mosquitos the size of small birds. You just don’t have them year 
‘round. You have spiders and other such crawly stuff, too.

Humidity? Sure. But just as you stay inside to avoid the cold in the 
wintertime, we make use of air conditioning when it’s hot and humid outside if 
we don’t want to be in it. Also, you have humidity, too. Again, you just don’t 
have it nearly as much as we do.

I could make a similar list about the North if I so chose to do so, but rather 
than that, I’ll share a nugget of knowledge I’ve accumulated from living all 
over the U.S. and for short periods of time elsewhere in the world, including 
places like the Northwest Territories, or Egypt, for example:

No place is perfect. When you find the perfect place to live, please let me 
know. Life involves compromises, and choosing a place to live falls right in 
with this. I love Wisconsin for the spring, fall, parts of the summer, it’s 
dairy products and quality of life in general. I love Northern California for 
it’s diversity, climate and access to a wealth of outdoor activities. I love 
Florida for it’s nearly perpetual sunshine and wonderful winter months. I love 
New England for it’s rich history and wide range of cultural experiences in 
short distances.

I dislike (“hate" is a bit harsh) Wisconsin for it’s winters and the sometimes 
close-mindedness and conservatism of the people where I lived. I dislike Northern 
California for it’s high cost of living, high density population, and nanny state 
government. I dislike Florida for it’s out of control growth and development, 
snowbirds/bluehairs who tie up the roads in their big cars at 30 mph in a 45, and 
somewhat for the 8 months of heat and humidity. I dislike driving on 128 at rush 
hour, (Boston) or trying to get out of town to the Cape in the summer or the 
mountains in the fall.

So my point is that rather than look down upon or question the rationale behind 
other’s choice of places to live, understand that what might appeal to you 
might be exactly the opposite of what someone else might find desirable. Life 
is full of compromises, and balancing what is and isn’t important has a large 
effect on why someone chooses to do what they may. And people tend to 
exaggerate things as well, like how cold it gets or how many bugs there are. 
I’m in Florida not because of the climate, but because my wife wanted to be 
near her parents in their final years. Given the choice I would never have left 
Wisconsin, but my family came first in this situation, not my choice of where 
to live.

I do enjoy “shoveling sunshine” in the winter and getting some fun digs in for 
those suffering in the cold, but I have no problem with the tables being turned 
when it’s in the 90s and humid here and having it pointed out to me that my old 
place in Wisconsin is having 85F days and 55F nights.


On Sep 4, 2019, at 4:35 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes <> 

Normally we don't get big rains after Labor day but its just chucking down 
right now, thunder, lightning, hail, the whole bit.It won't last but its a 
reminder for us northerners.
Also, I saw on Facebook today "Nobody in Florida prays for New England when we have 
a blizzard, they just talk smack and post pictures from the beach. Whos laughing 


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