Now come on Dan. That is hardly political comment. I suggest that most of the folks on the list are not convinced that the "climate change" or "global warming" issue is totally true. We have a potential issue but it remains unproven. My recollection is that back in the 1970s the scientists were certain we were headed for another ice age. Now they think that it is going the other way.  In Canada, the whole issue appears to be nothing more than another tax grab by the government. Our population is small and our country large. We have lots of trees etc. We produce lots of electricity without burning coal etc. Nevertheless, despite the fact that whatever we do is a proverbial "drop in the bucket" when China and India and even the USA does not appear willing to do much about this potential concern, our government is prepared to make us pay an ever increasing carbon tax so that our Prime Minister can hold himself out to be a saviour and get applauded by 3rd world countries at the UN.

We have come to the point where we are unable to express our views unless they are approved as politically correct by the left wing media.

I don't know how much Canadian news you folks get but right now, there is an uproar over comments made by Don Cherry. He complained on national television that our new immigrant citizens do not appear to respect Remembrance Day. Now he is accused of being "mean" and saying "hurtful" things. No one is permitted to have an opinion that differs from the left leaning media and one must not complain about the failure of immigrants to accept our long term way of life in this country or they are branded as racist etc.

I am willing to bet that the majority of people in Canada feel the same way that Don Cherry does but most are unwilling to admit it.


On 12/11/2019 8:21 AM, Dan--- via Mercedes wrote:
Stop. Not appropriate.

List Mom

On Nov 12, 2019, at 9:01 AM, Curley McLain via Mercedes <> 

Must be in chicago.

For 20-30 years ol al has been telling us we are gonna die from heat in 20 
years.   That has come and gone (Title of a good Mason Proffit album too)   I'm 
still waiting for the warm tropical temps ol al promised. 2/3 of the country is 
freezing.   Record cold, etc.   Personally, I like tropical temps.  Bring it 
on!  Jungles eat CO2 in the air, and replace it with O2.  We need more tropics!

Don't say it!  No!  Ol al couldn't be wrong....



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