As I pointed out last week regarding color of handle covers on pumps for Benzin and Diesel, the industry should standardize voluntarily, as the motorcycle industry should have in the 20s.  That way the goobers stay away.     Thankfully, after WWII, hardly Davidson got rid of the left hand operated gear shift on their motorsickles.

In the US, we had SAE  and other voluntary (industry) standards.   My cars built under DIN standards are excellent.   Whitworth, not so much.   Unfortunately, DIN was abandoned to adopt the frog backed ISO standards.   ISO has goobers involved, so everything is messed up.   Up to W123, I could work on any german made vehicle, and most german made equipment and only need 10, 13, 14, 17 and 19mm wrenches and sockets, along with 5, 6, 8 and 10 mm allen wrenches.   For exhaust 12mm was added.   My BMW R75/5 added a pin wrench for the fork tubes, and a larger socket and a spark plug wrench. (supplied in tool kit)   Life was good and life was simple.   In 1985,  you had to add the special socket for the delivery valves on MB, except you really didn't need one until 2000 to 2007, when the ULSD dissolved whatever was left of the DV orings.

Goobermnt meddling in anything but the enumerated powers is a bad thing.

Meade Dillon via Mercedes <>
November 23, 2019 at 7:18 AM
Is government-forced standardization a good thing? In some cases yes, the
trade-off is probably worth the lives saved, like in this case. Where is
the line beyond which government decree becomes a bad trade-off?
Charleston SC


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